A 2D platforming game where you play as a cat to jump through levels and clean up the computer. Pick up loose memory chunks to restore pieces of the level! Dodge different enemies like recycling bin turtles, email bombs, and more, as you traverse each level.
Enemy Design/AI
Gameplay Programming
Asset Integration
Designed levels using tilemap assets
Scripted enemy controller AI for various enemy types
Integrated art and sound assets
This is probably the game I am the proudest to have worked on. I attended the 2021 Global Game Jam site at Northeastern University virtually, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and made a group with other developers there. I was one of two programmers, with a friend of mine. We worked with 3 digital artists, and a sound designer/composer from Berklee College of Music. I had a lot of fun designing enemies and creating a basic finite-state-machine for enemy AI. There was a lot of great back-and-forth idea hashing with this one, and I think the end-product ended up really tight and polished for something made so quickly!